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Jaisen Yates

Nibbled to death by an Okapi... “by accident”

Preview: Friday, 16 October, 6:00pm - 6pm - 9pm
Exhibition: 17 October - 14 November 2015
Opening Times: Thu - Sat, 12:00pm - 5:00pm

Jaisen Yates has a fascination in the unique; accumulations of objects and images that have a strong sense of meaning and hold an intrinsic essence of their time. The meaning extracted from these sources is the personal and subjective endeavour of the viewer, an arrangement of artefacts that spiral off; illustrative of an evolving memory. These works are many faceted: magical realism combined with a street-art aesthetic, a surrealist undercurrent in its association of disparate elements creating an appeal of subconscious memory.

Found objects become connected to others by an esoteric relationship dependent on their occurrences in time, semi-cultural affiliations and historical relevance; a transition of transcendental information. These works are an echo of surrealism, a search for context – historical, emotional and aesthetic – they form a personal lexicon that gives ownership of the world explored.

Painting is often a struggle between the planned and the accidental, a place of freedom where imagination cannot be stopped. Whilst painting, the direction of work can unexpectedly begin to change. In this transition something else manifests, thus forming a new vocabulary. Mixing form and content, a carnivorous approach reflects life’s worth of looking and listening. Jaisen Yates is a creator of objects and images. It is the wish that these forms are granted the freedom to become themselves.

Jaisen Yates’ first solo exhibition at Abject Gallery on the 8th floor of Bamburgh House. More than a preview, a curated event of art, music, decor and interventions described by Yates as “a psycho visualistic qualia for the curious throng”.

The exhibition ran 17th October to 14th November, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 12pm - 5pm.

To see more of Jaisen Yates’ work, got to

Jaisen Yates: Nibbled to death by an Okapi... “by accident” Jaisen Yates: Nibbled to death by an Okapi... “by accident” Jaisen Yates: Nibbled to death by an Okapi... “by accident” Jaisen Yates: Nibbled to death by an Okapi... “by accident” Jaisen Yates: Nibbled to death by an Okapi... “by accident” Jaisen Yates: Nibbled to death by an Okapi... “by accident” Click an image to see more